




In 2021 I led design at Banter. With the support of the team, I crafted a cross-platform design system to ensure brand consistency and development efficiency.
 The team consisted of me, two developers, and a manager.


Some feedback we got from users:

  • How do I communicate with people that don't use Banter?
  • I want to be able to quickly translate what I'm saying.
  • When you're on the move, typing or taking a call feels unwieldy.


Enable a new era of communication with speech as a focus.


Banter was started from scratch, so we took a look around to see what already existed. Offerings like BBS, IRC, and AIM were an inspiration for how to approach this platform's capabilities. I started off with an MVP that lets the user record with the front camera and send a video. We also spent time looking at how to express the brand in a way that felt appropriate for the varied, but somewhat older audience. I wanted people to feel comfortable inviting their family members and loved ones to a group chat, so I chose conservative user experience solutions with a white/blue color combination. That configuration invokes the feeling of being on something like Facebook/Meta and helped Banter feel more relatable.

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